Living within your means can be done. You don't want to be a slave to the credit card company, do you? Learn what to do to stay out of credit card debt. This how to video will give you the tips. Credi ...
It's never too late to clean up your credit record – and save yourself thousands of dollars in exorbitant interest rates in the process. Learn how to repair your credit with this guide from Howcast. Y ...
The key to repairing bad credit is to write a properly formatted letter of dispute to one or all of the credit bureaus and send them out via registered mail. Here's a step-by-step guide to writing a ...
An invisible number controls your financial destiny. So until the revolution, you might as well learn how to raise your credit score. You Will Need: * Your credit reports * Your credit score ...
When it comes to your cell phone, do you feel like you're paying more and more for less and less? Get the upper hand with these tips. You will need:-a group discount rate-bulk rates for texting-a pre- ...
Cell phone contracts might seem iron-clad, but loopholes may let you get out of your plan without paying a dime. You will need:the terms of your contractthe ability to "roam"a new addressa customer se ...
Think you know every trick to improving your gas mileage? Here are fuel-saving strategies that aren't common knowledge. Watch this video to learn how to achieve better gas mileage and save money on ga ...
They don't call them salad days for nothing; you probably can't afford to eat anything else. But there are ways to trim your food budget—and they're even good for you. Learn how to eat cheaply on a bu ...
There's nothing to fear about a trip to the mall—as long as you plan ahead and shop smart. This video demonstrates the best way to budget your money, make the most of your time at the mall, and shop s ...
New to eBay? Don't worry, setting up an account and buying and selling doesn't take that much effort at all. Everyone who has an Internet connection has at one point come across eBay, to find the pe ...